Data by People

Data by People is a user-friendly platform offering a simple database and interface for collecting and sharing data. Open to the public, users can contribute local data points on various topics selected by the community. The platform aggregates these data points, enabling users to compare information across different times and locations for single and multiple data sets, providing valuable insights.

A Public Numerical Repository

  • Public Database:
    An open platform for collecting and accessing diverse data sets.
  • Location-Based Input:
    Users contribute data by enabling location services.
  • Comparative Analysis:
    Compare data across different times and locations for comprehensive insights.

What is Data by People?


Data by People empowers communities to gather and analyze local data, providing a broader understanding of various topics.


The platform aggregates user-submitted data points, enabling easy comparison and analysis of trends over time and across regions.



A community-driven platform for collecting, sharing, and comparing local data to create valuable insights for public use.

Join the Data by People Community

Contribute to and access valuable local data insights. Sign up now and be part of the global data-sharing movement!