

Seo Explained In Simpler Terms

SEO Explained in simpler terms.

I always enjoy teaching business owners about SEO. It’s amazing when they get so impressed with their own data, just knowing for what search queries they are being visited and where their visitors are coming from.

Doing SEO requires a mix of knowledge of Web and Marketing. In the simplest way, we look at the physiology behind how to attract our target audience, and how to utilize the Search Engines to be visited for those searches.

How to be seen on Search Engines

Our web pages each offer a set of rankings for KWs we provide in writing and meta copies. Search Engines use the content we offer, to match the relevancy. But that’s not it, it used to be in early days as there were fewer websites, but as Search Marketing proved its profitability, soon enough many pioneers started taking over the world by stuffing KWs on pages and be found for everything.

Still today, if your website offers a full dictionary of vocabulary, it probably could create a large domain of KWs to be seen, but Search Engines today are smart enough to allow that happen only when the pages are legit.

What Legit means? In Search Engines mind (algorithms), legitimacy comes from authority too that’s given by people (hopefully). Search Engines look for the reputation of each page, through various metrics such as page backlinks, that’s how many times a page has been linked and from which sources. The higher the authority of a linking domain is, that provides a high ranking to the page it links to. The authorities are given by reputation and reputation is by what actually should people trust. Government websites, universities gain those reputations at highest and then any website that gains the online reputation through its digital publications.

Ranking Current given by Higher Ranked

You might have heard the old SEO saying, “Content is King”. True it is.

Good content is everything, it’s what people will read and will share and at the end Search Engines are doing their best to make that connection happen and make it easier. Thanks Search Engines! If you wonder what Search Engine’s gain from all this good work, we’ll look at the SEM or Search Engine Marketing in next post.

So what are the take aways from this short post?

Here’s a list of how to approach a Good SEO practice for 2020

What are the chances that my content gets ranked?

Good analysis is important and it comes from experience. Often we gain our experience from doing things and a hands on approach can help many business owners to not only succeed, but also to gain a different perspective about their business from the visibility search engines provide to the publishers.

Review and tweak content based on keeping what has worked and what can improve. Make small changes that can be verified and watch the growth, revert if decline.