

Wordpress 5 0 Is Out

WordPress 5.0 is out!

We’re excited to see the new promised updates from WordPress 5.0 and continue developing with this amazing Content Management System and Plugin. Thank you WordPress team for keeping up with your amazing work and allowing the community to grow faster with the ability of rapid development for amazing websites.

What’s new

The Gutenberg was the big promise that was released earlier and was published as the new default editor in 5.o with the message of Freedom to build and write. That pretty much describes it. WordPress had aimed to be a pioneer in blogging and publishing content and had supported writers and journalists with their free platform for years. The Open Source nature enabled the community of developers to shape many amazing extensions and front-end themes to take WordPress beyond a publishing tool. It’s now finally that WordPress is claiming the freedom of building as well as publishing with the new modular editor and ability to build blocks and layouts.

Note upon upgrading to WordPress 5.0, you’ll be faced with the New Editor and it may looks scary. If for any reason, you wanted the classic editor back, search for Classic Editor in the plugin library and bring it back.